Where'd that plane come from, 1987? You look exactly the same! And that smell! What is that booze, cigarettes and Drakkar Noir - it takes me right back!


A little bit of hypocrisy is fine Dad, but I'm the normal one here.


So what are you the Robin Hood of rapists now?


No matter how beautiful the grounds this place is a zoo and I'm a wild animal.


Don't blame me because you were born with a clit for a cock and a tiny little beanbag to house what passes for balls.


You made your bed, and then you fucked me in it.


Your work is done Dad, I am who I am. I have to make my own mistakes.


She's got a nose ring, too. You know what that means.

Hank Moody

What is it like to stare into the business end of Sandy Bullocks vagina? This woman knows.


You're going to live to humiliate yourself another day.


I like my stink.


Hank: I feel a hate crime coming on.
Charlie: Don't be hatin' on the good news dance.

Californication Quotes

Try not to forget all the times I brought you to fruition. 33 to be exact.

Hank Moody

I love women. I have all their albums.

Hank Moody