I'm not really ready for someone else's perfect day.


The moment that I met you my life became extraordinary. You taught me to be my best self. To look forward to tomorrow's adventures and when I was vulnerable you were strong. I love you Richard Castle and I want to live my life in the warmth of your smile and the strength of your embrace. I promise you I will love you. I will be your friend and your partner in crime and in life. Always.

Kate Beckett

It was six years ago. Your hair was short then, it was adorable.

Lanie: I am your maid of honor. I haven't had a carb in months just in case I had to put that damn dress back on.
Kate: And you look great.
Lanie: Kate, save the flattery. You owe me dinner. I'm picking the restaurant and we're ordering all the desserts.

Esposito: Really, we didn't get that call.
Ryan: Once again, not invited.

So instead of Mai Tais we get murder.

Esposito: Kind of like we let you get away with not inviting us to the wedding.
Capt. Gates: Well at least you were invited to the Champagne toast.

Saddle up, honey, because we are honeymooning out west. Hee Haw.

Daisy Mae: It's a single room with a twin bed.
Castle: That's OK. We're cuddlers.

I don't know if it comes with the room but there's a naked cowboy shaving in our bathroom.

Castle: Which is why we don't approach this like cops. We approach this like writers.
Beckett: So we procrastinate and make stuff up?

Good thing I married the fastest gun from the east.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
