I think the two of you should stop whining like two little school girls who weren't invited to the dance and be happy that your friends, your very dear friends have found a way to make it work, especially after all the hell those two have been through.

Capt. Gates

Well, you know the thing of it is, you know what it's like to not have a father, you'd make sure your kid never felt that way.

Kevin Ryan

You have to turn back Jared because if you don't, here's what's going to happen. HRT, that's the Hostage Rescue Team, they're going to wait for you to get weak and tired. Then a dozen highly trained guys armed to the teeth will breach this car and trust me when I tell you they will not play.

Javier Esposito

The Taking of Pelham 123 could not have been his plan.

This guy is like an evil version of Typhoid Mary.

You could have infected and killed millions of people, Ms. Jervis and for what? So you could drive a nicer car, buy a bigger house? Was this all because of money?


Castle: I was raised by a single mother. Hard Kill was how I got my bro time.
Ryan: That explains so much.

Ryan: That strains credibility.
Esposito: Yeah, in a good way.

My hero was a liar and a goat herder.

My opinion is not effected by her skimpy outfit.

To him this is just an apartment with creaky floors. To you, this is where you rebuilt your life. Where you solved your mother's murder. Where you fell in love.


Ryan: You know what time it is? It's Ryan time.
Esposito: Please just stop.
Ryan: My name's Ryan and I hate lyin'.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
