It happened on his watch so for Ryan it means it's all on him until he finds this guy.

Kate Beckett

The good news is Sarah Grace will have enough money for college. The bad news is she'll have no idea who I am.

Kevin Ryan

Then who's this, your evil twin?

Kevin Ryan

Kate Beckett: You texted Castle and not me?
Kevin Ryan: Well, when you have a crazy theory you don't call the voice of reason.

Rick Castle: I know I have occasionally theorized that a conspiracy was afoot.
Kate Beckett: Occasionally?

Back stabbing, adultery and betrayal. That is why I hate politics.

Kate Beckett

You're smart. You are intimidating and you look very, very good in a robe.

Rick Castle

I was in Thailand getting shot at with Chuck Norris?

Rick Castle

Kate Beckett: But Castle, why would you be abducted on our wedding day and end up in Thailand?
Rick Castle: Worst bachelor party ever?

I'll be with him no matter wherever this leads and I promise you I'm not going to let him go too far.

Kate Beckett

On the bright side, at least I'm not crazy.

Rick Castle

Kate Beckett: LT is going to drive you home.
Rick Castle: And if I refuse?
Kate Beckett: Then he'll drive you home in handcuffs.
Rick Castle: Just for the record, extremely bitter.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
