Assassin: Your earlier stuff was better. You got soft once you met the skirt.
Castle: Everyone's a critic.

Castle: You're going to call off your dogs, right now.
Bracken: Or what? You going to write something mean about me?
Castle: I'm going to start a scholarship in your name and offer it to the children of the first inmate who shanks you in the prison laundry.

Kate: I wish that you were coming with me.
Rick: What am I going to do, sit outside your office and fetch you coffee?
Kate: Yeah, you're great at fetching. I've trained you well.

Assassin: Most people react differently to a gun in their side.
Castle: Yeah, well this kind of thing happens to me often.

If you wanted a binding agreement we should have pinky sweared.

Hayley: You really love her don't you?
Castle: Like a house on fire.

Call me Hayley. I insist that anyone who's frisked me use my given name.


I'm proud to have been his inspiration and I am proud to be his wife.

Kate Beckett

He has proven to be a brilliant partner and he's always had my back.

Kate Beckett

Listen, if after seven years of your crazy theories you haven't already been committed then I think you're pretty safe.

Kate Beckett

If Noah ends up walking you're going to have to have me committed.

Rick Castle

I don’t cross the line. I put myself on it.

Kate Beckett

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
