Lindsay: Look, Kelly, you and me, we're cut from the same cloth. I've been where you are and I know how hard it is and I know you gotta do whatever you gotta do to deal with it, so I will be here for you as a friend, but I will not be the girl sitting alone in a restaurant waiting for you.
Severide: She was my... She was my best friend.
Lindsay: I know.

Hermann: I guess they were tryin' to cut across from Michigan, but they had to know we were on Wabash, right?
Severide: Either way, they gotta slow down and have a look. Everyone knows that.
Newhouse: Unless they had the green.

Dawson: Do I have clearance to hug you now?
Casey: You do.

Casey: So, uh, Boden and I have been talking about making you our candidate on Truck 81. He's willing to turn a blind eye to our relationship, so if this is something you're interested in...
Dawson: Yeah, yes, absolutely, yes!

Dawson: You'd be willing to put me in harm's way?
Casey: I'd assign you any task I think you're capable of.
Dawson: And if I stepped out of line -- you'd discipline me?
Casey: With great enthusiasm.

Casey: Look. You should go.
Cruz: What? I got every right to be here. If I leave now I look guilty.
Casey: No. You look like the bigger man.

I can't do another funeral for a line of duty death, man. I just can't.


I'm a firefighter, OK. And if I'm not that, then what am I?


Leonard: You look just like your mother.
Mills: Yeah, you're damn right I do.
Leonard: So I guess I'm your grandfather.
Mills: I guess so.
Leonard: Peter. Peter. I sure am glad to know you.

To Gaby Dawson! Welcome to Truck 81 baby!!


Casey: We heard about your statement. It took balls.
Molina: Yeah, well we reap what we sow, right?
Casey: So they say.

Wow, this is bad bad bad.


Chicago Fire Quotes

Kidd: I just got to keep busy. Working the bar’s good for that. Um, you know I’m gonna need some major distraction when I get home, right?
Severide: I think I can provide.
Kidd: You are so selfless.

Casey: Well, you gotta admit, he's happy.
Dawson: She's a graphic artist he met at the craps table. Her name is Brittany and she's from Florida? You know what that adds up to? Stripper!
Casey: What do you have against Florida?