Bitch, are you out of your mind.


A cop walks into a bar.


Mills, all the lives we save, the people we help, you think they give a damn which company's insignia we wear?


I cannot afford the insemination so I've been thinking about plan B and I propose that when the time is right, you go into your room with magazines or skinemax or whatever you need to get yourself ready, and then, with the lights out, you signal me by calling out my name, once, and then you'll hear your door open, footsteps, and then you'll be mounted. You will finish your business inside of me as quickly and efficiently as possible and then I'll be out the door, you can clean up or whatever you need do to at which point I will need to be alone.


He deserved a funeral with respect for all of his service, and just because he waited a dozen years to die and moved out to the sticks doesn't mean he wasn't a hero.


We're not cops. People are happy to see a firefighter arrive.


Heather Darden and me, we're just friends. She came over to talk and she fell asleep on my couch.


No sir. This has nothing to do with what my father did or did not do with his time at CFD. This has to do with me.


Hermann: I've been a little preoccupied.
Mouch: Weren't you and Cindy using protection?
Hermann: We've got four kids Mouch I was counting on my sperm being too tired to make the swim.

Mouch: How's the noodle?
Shay: Hard as ever.
Mouch: That's what-
Shay: That what he said.

Hey, you know what's weird? I just realized that your last name and Tom Cruise's last name are pronounced exactly the same.

Mouch [To Cruz]

Every thought, every prayer, needs to be directed down that hallway.


Chicago Fire Season 1 Quotes

Hey! One hand on the beam, Cal, and I don't care if you're carrying a cow! Men die when they relax!


Wow, this is bad bad bad.
