Severide: We need to figure out who’s pulling these alarms.
Headmaster: Of course, yes, my staff and I will figure out who’s behind this.
Casey: We’d like to talk to them. He needs to understand he’s putting people’s lives in danger.
Headmaster: I’m afraid that’s not possible, but we’ll make sure they get the message.
Severide: What do you mean that’s not possible?
Headmaster: Well, our students are entitled to their privacy, lieutenant, and disciplinary matters are kept in strict confidence.
Casey: What?
Headmaster: I have to insist on it. The families of Stover Academy would expect nothing less.
Severide: You mean these private school parents expect you to shield their kids from prosecution?
Headmaster: Hold on. We’re talking about a prank here – a sophomoric and irresponsible one to be sure.
Severide: Pulling a false alarm is a crime.
Casey: OK, Kelly.
Headmaster: If you can’t have a calm, rational discussion, I’m afraid I need to ask you to leave the premises.
Severide: We’re going to find out who did this, with or without him.

Casey: We were in the middle of a rescue with two lives on the line. Who gives a damn about jurisdiction?
Severide: We were well within the new boundaries, chief -- part of the overlap.
Casey: ‘It’s been their territory for years,’ he said as if that gives him the right.
Boden: It doesn’t.
Casey: Exactly. It was dangerous, and it was distracting.

Kidd: Hey Mouch. I think you owe someone an apology. Wouldn’t you agree?
Mouch: Tuesday, I’m sorry for flea shaming you. I jumped to the wrong conclusion based on a hurtful stereotype, and I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.

Delaney: What do we got here?
Casey: Single-car accident. Two adults stuck inside. Engine flashed but it’s out.
Delaney: Great, thanks. I’ll take it from here.
Casey: You what?
Delaney: I appreciate the assist captain, but this is 20’s jurisdiction and has been for decades, so if you don’t mind, I’ll see it through.
Casey: Well, I do mind, actually.

Mouch: I’m a fellow public servant, working out of Firehouse 51. Anyway, we were at the scene of an accident yesterday with one of your colleagues, and I seem to have inadvertently brought this back to the station with me on the sole of my boot.
Postal worker: Sir, I cannot accept this item from you without an address or proper postage.
Mouch: Right, but look here. Someone already paid for the postage.
Postal worker: There’s no address on this item.
Mouch: But don’t you have some sort of dead letter office?
Postal worker: That is strictly for items already within the postal system. I cannot accept this item from you without an address and proper postage, sir.
Mouch: You know what the problem is here?
Postal worker: That your item doesn’t have an address or proper postage?
Mouch: No, no. The problem is a chronic lack of respect for written correspondence, a dereliction of the solemn vow you made that neither snow nor rain nor gloom of night would stop you … however, it goes.
Postal worker: Next.

Violet: Standing order 12?
Gallo: Really?
Violet: In the interest of preventing any medical complications from spinal injury, any patient with an indication of neck trauma should have the administration of a cervical collar before transportation.
Gallo: You memorized that?
Violet: You didn’t?
Gallo: OK, Violet. Quiz me.
Violet: Standing order 89?
Gallo: A patient whose behavior suggests a lack of cognitive capacity can neither consent to nor refuse care. Boom. S.O. 41?
Violet: Duh, contamination of a crime scene or evidence is to be avoided. Please, that’s really the best you’ve got.
Ritter: I guess this is how overachievers flirt.

Gallo: I’m not saying Violet’s not smart. OK, she’s super smart, and she’s really good at what she does, and yeah, she always has a bunch of guys circling her, who don’t stand a chance in hell, but that’s … You don’t know her like I do.
Cruz: Well, explain.
Gallo: She always used to flex in class, trying to one up me, getting in my space, smiling like it was a challenge.
Cruz: Oh.
Ritter: See what I mean?
Cruz: Definitely.
Gallo: What?
Cruz: Oh brother, you got it bad.
Gallo: No, you guys aren’t getting what I’m saying. She’s the devil.

I really don’t want to be getting in the middle of your drama, but I have to say my piece. There are three women on this shift. We need each other. We can’t be doing this. So I am asking, for a minute, set aside your own stuff and just hear each other out because 51 needs you, and I need you. Truce?


Delaney: So Morris over there, he kicks the door down, and guess what he finds? Twins – little girls about 4 years old. Channel 9 News got a shot of him coming out the front. He had a kid under each arm. That was a hell of a fire. You guys missed out. How much do I owe you?
Herrmann: 6 bucks.
Delaney: I thought it was 3.
Herrmann: Well, there’s an extra tax for local celebrities.

Van Meter: I’ll hand it to you, lieutenant. You got a flair for the heroic. You went well about the call of duty to apprehend a professional arsonist while freeing an innocent man.
Severide: Just doing what I was assigned to do.
Van Meter: And in the process you broke, let’s see, one, two, I’ll round up and say a thousand standing orders, maxed out your overtime for the year, nearly got yourself killed to close a case that was already closed.
Severide: Captain.
Van Meter: Severide, you are one of the most gifted investigators that I’ve ever met, and you’re fired.

Ritter: She wasn’t what I was expecting.
Gallo: Really, what were you expecting?
Ritter: I don’t know. Someone scarier, but she seems cool and smart and cute.
Gallo: Dude, she’s not cute.
Ritter: Gallo, I’m gay, but I’m not blind.

Boden: What’s your assessment in terms of getting our tool back?
Police officer: Oh, none.
Casey: Excuse me?
Police officer: No disrespect, but the department’s got a lot of high priorities. I know you do important work, and you need your tool.
Casey: Someone could have died. If we’d been called straight to another incident …
Police officer: I get it, I get it. I’m on your side. I’m just saying how it is. These guys aren’t criminal masterminds. Eventually, they’ll get cocky, get caught, and then we’ll get your property back to you.

Chicago Fire Season 8 Quotes

The order was mine. In a fire scene, in all the chaos and unpredictability, a firefighter can only relay back to his incident commander the information he has at the time, but it is up to the chief to make a decision where or when to send the additional resources … It was I, not Captain Casey, not anyone else, but I who ordered them into the fire scene. So if you are looking to blame someone, if you are looking for a human scapegoat, blame me.


Cruz: I know you’re going up to a better place and I know when you get there, they’re going to welcome you with open arms. Maybe, you could save us a place to live up there together, you know. I’ll be there someday. I love you brother. I love you, and I’m going to miss you.
Otis: Brother, I will be with you always.