Ethan wants a baby. I can't give him one.


Maggie: I know this is technically illegal -
Natalie: And unethical. I can't change his charts to say he's post-infectuous when he's not.
Maggie: Natalie, please. I am begging you to let me honor the only wish I can still honor.
Natalie: I'm sorry, but it isn't about him. It's about the public. I can't do it.

Charles: Just because a patient is reckless, doesn't mean he's suicidal.
Ethan: So that's it. If the antibiotics don't work, we just wash our hands of him and let him die?
Charles: I don't like it either. But we can't lock someone up just for wanting to be Internet famous.

Sharon: I want Dr. Lanic running point on this one.
Choi: Ms. Goodwin -
Sharon: You know as well as I do. You're too close to Dr. Sexton.
Choi: I can separate my personal feelings from my -
Sharon: No. Dr. Lanic will keep you updated. And you're needed in the ED.

Choi: Mind if we do this without the camera?
Dennis: We can't cause we're live 24/7.Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of our followers.
Choi: Okay. Can you take a seat so I can examine you?
Dennis: I don't know. Can I?
Choi: Excuse me?
Aviva: I'm talking to our followers. They have to vote. [pause] Sorry. The answer is no.
Dennis: Looks like I'm doing this exam standing.

Noah: Can you do me a solid and keep this between us? I don't want April...
Marcel: To kick your ass?

Natalie: With your weakened immuned system, I'm afraid it's only a matter of time before the virus begins attacking your other organs.
Ben: You're saying this is gonna kill me? Measles is gonna kill me?
Maggie: Natalie. There has to be something.
Ben: How long are we looking at? Months? Weeks? Days?
Natalie: If what I suspect is true, I'm afraid so.

Captain: My orders are to bring Gina back ASAP.
Choi: Are your orders to bring her back dead? Because that's what'll happen if she doesn't have the surgery.

We can get another reservation, but when will another vampire come through the ED?


Natalie: It's your first time intubating a child. It happens. Don't beat yourself up.
Elsa: I'm not. I'm a medical student. I'm here to learn.

Cece: I don't know how you're not breaking a sweat. I'm having hot flashes just watching you two.
Maggie: I am not going to hit on a chemo patient.
Cece: You've been hitting on him this whole time.
Maggie: This is not a place to meet people.

Maggie: I'll never get used to this.
Chemo patient: It kind of feels like you signed up to get your ass kicked.

Chicago Med Season 5 Quotes

Goodwin: Status on Tim Burke?
Doctor: He's stable.
Goodwin: You can take him.
Doctor: Hey, he dies en route, it won't break my heart.

Philip: Is Natalie okay?
Doctor: Who are you?
Philip: Her fiance.
Doctor: Fiance?
Philip: Yeah, we're engaged.
Doctor: We didn't get the memo.