I wish you were here more often. You'd be good for her.


Benson: How's Erin?
Voight: Pissed at me, but she's alive.

Fin: Now why we gotta keep coming here? You can't catch these bad guys on your own?
Ruzek: We wouldn't have to if New York could keep killers in their jails.

Lindsay: So why don't you tell me where you are? I'll come to you.
Yates: Oh, you know where I am.
Lindsay: Why don't you pretend I'm not that clever and tell me anyway.

You don't have to blow smoke. All hands on deck means all hands. I'll coordinate with News Affairs. We've got to get this bastard before he hurts someone else.


Voight: He's baiting you.
Lindsay: No he's not. He's using me to get under your skin and it's working.
Voight: You make one mistake with Yates, you're dead. You get that?
Lindsay: If he wanted me, he would have had me in upstate New York.
Voight: Well he's not getting a second chance.
Lindsay: Hank, if I'm bait, let me be bait.

Chicago PD Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

You don't have to blow smoke. All hands on deck means all hands. I'll coordinate with News Affairs. We've got to get this bastard before he hurts someone else.


Voight: He's baiting you.
Lindsay: No he's not. He's using me to get under your skin and it's working.
Voight: You make one mistake with Yates, you're dead. You get that?
Lindsay: If he wanted me, he would have had me in upstate New York.
Voight: Well he's not getting a second chance.
Lindsay: Hank, if I'm bait, let me be bait.