I'm going to talk to the doctor about your dosage on account of your cracky past.

Jenn [to Bryce]

Polly: I've got my lawyer on this.
Virginia: The same lawyer who couldn't keep you out of prison?
Quiet Ann: She does have a point, Polly Pol.

In spite of all your bullshit, we do make a great team.

Desna [to Zlata]

Roller: They shot my brother.
Ted's son: Shit! They got Bryce?
Roller: Hmm, hmm.
Ted's son: He was all positive and shit.
Uncle Daddy: Yeah, he was positive.

Desna: What the hell happened to you? You so thin.
Mandy: Thank you. A diet of Lacroix and cocaine will do that to you.

Polly: I was in the slammer with murderers, terrorists, pedophiles, and you know what's worse?
Dr. Ken: Terrorist pedophiles?
Polly: Snitches.

Polly: Sweetie, she is an addict who sold you for four Gucci purses.
Marnie: You're right. I'll tell my mom to back off. I can't handle seeing her anyway.

I'm really disappointed, Des. You keep saying things are going to change, but they never change.

Dean [to Desna]

Hey, calm your tits. We ain't trying to turn you into runners. You can barely run a nail salon.

Uncle Daddy [to Jenn]

Desna: I hope that damn Ruval is somewhere twisted in the wind.
Roller: Twisted? You stole two mill from him. He's twisted.

Don't touch the hair, you bitch.

Desna [to Lucy]

If someone's trying to give you money, take it like a welfare queen.

Polly [to Jenn]

Claws Season 2 Quotes

Bryce: So you just broke up our marriage for some random dick.
Jenn: You know, I am so tired of being judged by Vanilla Bryce.

Paging Dr. Do-me-right!

Polly [to Desna]