This ain't the last we'll hear from these deplorables, I'll tell you that much.

Uncle Daddy

This whole wall is a full-on hate crime.


I know you're not looking at that old piece of chewed-up gum [Brenda].

Toby [to Uncle Daddy]

Chad: There's a new dress code. No hoods anymore. Just red hats.
Roller: Chad, red is my color.

Desna: You don't have a rainy-day fund or nothin'?
Uncle Daddy: If I had a rainy-day fund, you think I'd be sleeping on a jizz-filled couch at the Messianic Center? I'm about two minutes away by a WIC check.
Desna: My God! You gotta have kids to get on WIC.
Uncle Daddy: I was going to rent some over at Shrimp Town.

Jenn: Whatever happened to 'ride or die," Des?
Desna: This time, I'm going to need you to just ride.

I will do anything to keep you safe.

Desna [to Dean]

The heart wants what the heart wants, and my heart wants Tobrenda.

Uncle Daddy [to Toby]

Where the F is Macau?


For someone named Quiet Ann, you talk way too damn much.

Desna [to Ann]

Desna: Question.
Melba: No, the belt is not flattering.

I have serious reservations about your white black lover taking over.

Melba [to Desna]

Claws Season 3 Quotes

I could never understand a single thing that messy Russian whore [Zlata] was saying.

Melba [to Mac]

What had happened was shit got crazy in Palm-ghetto.
