Daniel: Whose side are you on?
Sam: I'm not on anyone's side. I just want to learn both styles so I have twice the techniques if I face Tory in the tournament.

There are three things that make a champion. The three D's. Desire. Devotion. And discipline. The first two I can't give you. The last one I can, but you have to be willing to receive it.


Miguel: So if you win we just train Eagle Fang, there's no Miyagi Do.
Johnny: That's right, Pontiac.
Miguel: But what if I don't want to stop learning Miyagi-do.
Johnny: What the hell are you saying? You want him to win?
Miguel: No, I guess the way I see it no matter who wins nobody wins
Johnny: Somebody always wins. That's how fights work. No matter what ancient philosophical bullshit LaRusso has been feeding you

Kreese: I want you to know I'm glad you came on board, but I want to make sure that we're both on the same page. These things that you're teaching my students. Well, they're a little confusing. Cobra Kai never backs down from a fight. Tournament or no tournament, we always strike first.
Silver: But you already did.
Kreese: What are you talking about?
Silver: I'm talking about Robby Keene. You never told me that his father was Johnny Lawrence.
Kreese: What's it matter?
Silver: What's it matter? You stole the man's son. If that's not a direct attack, I don't know what is! And now you've got him and the rest of the kids wrapped up in all your old drama, and if you're not careful, it's going to take Cobra Kai down all over again.
Kresse: I've got everything under control, including Robby.
Silver: No offense, John, but that's not how it looks from where I'm sitting.

you were right about me John. I was living a lie. I lose who I was along the way, but now, there's nothing I want more than a second chance at finishing what we started. I just want to make sure that this time, we win. And the only way to do that is to forget about the past. Focus on our students. We do that and everything falls into place. Larusso will have to shut down Miyagi Do and Johnny Lawrence will rue the day he ever left Cobra Kai.


Johnny: You still think that your way is the only way. You were so proud when they pulled their little sprinkler prank the other day. But if they stood their ground and kicked some ass like I taught them this would've never happened.
Daniel: And if they fight every time they're provoked where does that lead? Back to the hospital? Or to jail? Just because you spent your fair time in both-
Sam: Enough, dad. Johnny's right. Doesn't matter how many times we stand up to Cobra Kai if we don't strike back they're going to keep coming at us.
Daniel: And you were worried about my influence on your students? Is this what you wanted Johnny? To have my daughter and the rest of my students acting like you?

Kandace: Who do you think is going to win a custody battle, huh? you're a high school dropout and a criminal.
Tory: So are you.
Kandace: But I know how to play the game. A judge is going to take one look at you and laugh you straight out of court. See you at the funeral, sweetheart. Tick tock.

Amanda: Oh, so you're knocking this time.
Tory: Mrs. LaRusso, I need your help.

Demetri: Where the hell have you been?
Hawk: Demetri, how did you get in here?
Demetri: Your mom has left the key under the flower gnome since kindergarten. You should really consider increasing security since I don't know, the karate war!

I ruined my reputation, I talked a big game and in the end, I just proved I was an asshole. To Moon, Miguel, especially to you.


Johnny: Sensei John Lawrence of Eagle Fang Karate. Let me tell you why my dojo is perfect for a modern young woman like yourself. We live in a world where you gotta be an alpha to survive. You're either a killer or your dead meat. You gotta be a man. At Eagle Fang, we confront that phrase and we make it empowering for all. We teach anyone who identifies as female to embrace their queenly strength and tear down the neo-masculine hierarchy to confront internalized sexism.
Piper: Sounds inclusive. But what about non-binary and gender-fluid?
Johnny: Yes, fluids are crucial, if you don't hydrate, it affects performance.

I'm not here to judge you. I'm here to tell you what's going to happen next. Terry Silver popped up out of the blue, right? He did the same thing to me. He'll seem decent enough, show you a few moves, and then he'll worm his way in. Chip away at you. And push you past your limits. You'll become stronger than you thought possible, but SIlver won't stop that. This man is sick and twisted, and when he's done with you, you won't be with you anymore. One day you'll find yourself with some poor kid's blood all over your shirt and you'll just hope it's not too late to change course.


Cobra Kai Quotes

Sam: I feel so guilty. 
Daniel: It's not your fault. All this started before you were even born. If not for me and Johnny there wouldn't have been a fight in the first place. This is my fault. 

Amanda: I can't believe they have the gall to suspend Sam for two weeks! I'm going to tell the school board how incompetent they are. Heads will roll!
Daniel: At least they expelled the girl who started it.
Amanda: Expelled?! That bitch should be in Shawshank!