She's whipped by an imaginary douche!


Why do you wanna know the secret to making a woman psycho?

Shirley [to Jeff]

No woman, none of us have to go to anyone. And the idea that we do is a mental illness we contracted from breath mint commercials and Sandra Bullock.
We can't keep going to each other until we learn to go to ourselves. Stop making our hatred of ourselves someone else's job and just stop hating ourselves.

Jeff [to Britta]

Pierce Hawthorne takes Troy's side, citing that Abed is weirder and more foreign.


Britta Perry is there to immortalize the moment on film... accidentally, while trying to get a picture of the light hitting a stack of nearby waffles.


I just heard from the Guiness rep. He's not coming. He's been fired in what he described as the world's biggest mistake.

Dean Pelton

Kim: You're really mean.
Annie: Put it in a letter, Jane Austen!

Pop, pop, Captain.


Everyone wins. Except Abed. But, you know, not everyone can win.

Dean Pelton

I wanted to stand next to you for a moment. Like a good book by Orwell. Or a Veggie Delight.


Troy: Vice Dean Laybourne. You have a beard. And a ponytail.
Laybourne : I'm going through some stuff right now, Troy. Don't worry about it.

I am not a whore, and not that I've done the math, but if I were, I'd be the super classy kind who gets flown to Dubai to stay in an underwater hotel.


Community Quotes

Abed: This is kinda like Breakfast Club, right?
Pierce: Is there breakfast?

The state bar has suspended my license. They found out my college degree was less than legitimate.
