I like your hustle. Reminds me of the summer I was Ralph Lauren.


See, that's what I need to learn! How to be all dead inside with muscles on top!

Willy Jr

We belonged in the sun, with the wind in our hair. Or maybe at a Bennigan's, enjoying a Turkey O'Toole.


Britta: Psychology tells us there are no accidents.
Jeff: What about car accidents, Tara Reid, or the Hindenburg?

This is the Jonestown of dinners.


You ask one lady if she's Tyler Perry in drag and suddenly you're the bad guy.


Pierce: Let's carve that jive turkey.
Shirley: Got that out of your system?

Jeff: I thought I told you to stop reading my emails.
Dean Pelton: Well, I thought I told you to stop keeping secrets!

And that failed ventriloquist was...Slobodan Milosevic.

Professor Cornwallis

No one's even willing to consider that I might be the Hitler of the group?


That man saved my life...in a video game.


Damn them and their perfectly crafted time pieces!


Community Season 4 Quotes

Whatevs, we'll take it next semes. Ter. Semester.


While they were incepting, I got their balls.
