Alec: Now I can open the portal, but I can't set a destination. It'll annihilate her atoms, passing through time she will be everywhere and everywhen.
Carlos: A Viking funeral.
Alec: That's OK right?
Kiera: She'd like that.

So long partner. I'm glad you're still here.


[to Christine] If you betray us, I will slit your pretty throat myself.


Dillon: Cameron. No more Bettys.
Kiera: No more Bettys.

I did something terrible. I pushed Christine out there as bait.


Kiera: Ring any bells?
Stranger: Yeah. Yeah. Clearly I'm not rich and I have low standards. Very disappointing.

Alec: Two of me. Two of her?
Carlos: Yep.
Alec: She lied to me. She swore she told me everything, but she still lied.
Carlos: You and me? We're originals. She was an original. But the other two? I don't know man. They're them, but their not at the same time, ya know?

Citizenship Extractor: You are aware that citizenship extraction renders your birth certification and citizenship null and void?
Citizen: I'm aware.
Citizenship Extractor: Extend your arm through the indicators and bite down on the sanitized bit. Scan your wrist to accept the release. Please hold still. This may sting a bit. [Citizen screams in agony] Once extracted please toss your bit into the receptacle.

Carlos: You know, you're starting to sound an awful lot like Liber8. First Betty, now you.
Kiera: You know, I don't mind learning a few things from Betty.

Carlos: You know if we had been working together, you could have told me Adele was alive with just one look.
Kiera: You think Dillon split us up on purpose?
Carlos: It would mean he knew this was coming.
Kiera: There's only one way to find out.

Betty: Don't tell me you're switching horses. You are?
Kiera: This? Doesn't feel right.
Betty: [smiles] No it doesn't. Leave it with me.

I see you Protector. You're not sure of anything anymore.


Continuum Season 3 Quotes

You can't escape your fate, Kiera.


Soon you'll know everything I know. Soon you'll see the battlefield for the first time.
