Dillon: Agent Cameron, are cops assholes?
Kiera: Sometimes. Sir.

Dillon: You think we can trust Betty's intel?
Kiera: I think she wants back in the department more than anything.
Dillon: Let's see if she's right.

Kellog: What's in it for me?
Curtis: You want to cheat death, Kellog? Help me and I'll teach you how.

Kiera: [answering phone] Cameron.
Curtis: Bitch cop.

Kiera: This is serious.
Samantha: I agree. You're not the only one who gets to take a leap for what she believes in. People should have the freedom to move, to think for themselves, to chase ridiculous dreams if that's what they want. ARREST ME!
Kiera: She's done nothing wrong.
CPS: She's here, isn't she?
Samantha: Kiera, you wanna be become this? Be rebellious in another way.
Kiera: I am not rebelling.
Samantha: Against me darlin'? Oh yes. Yes you are. It's OK to be wrong, but eventually you gotta own up. You're strong, baby, but that's not everything. I love you!

Kiera: Mom? What are you doing here?
Samantha: Standing up for something.

I'm saying I'm not asleep anymore. Thank you. I'm going home.


Edouard: Take what you're feeling and put it toward something right. This is your place and your time. Follow your instincts to take a moral stand.
Sonya: I'm not a revolutionary Edouard.
Edouard: No, you're a healer, and that's something far more useful.

What the corporation cannot own, it destroys.The gleaners brought this on themselves. Greed poisons, it punishes everyone.


Sadler: If your wife has paid the ultimate price, it will not go unnoticed.
Greg: I suppose I'm looking for meaning in it all. Something to tell our son to help him understand.
Sadler: The meaning is all around you. SadTech and the other members of the Corporate Congress. Their sole purpose is to enrich the lives of all the citizens. To preserve the promise of a civil society, to never again slip into the chaos of the past. You tell your son his mother's life, her sacrifice to the corporation, has enabled all of us left behind to prosper.

Edouard: You told me you fled the city because you got a job offer you couldn't turn down and you couldn't accept.
Sonya: SadTech super soldier program.
Edouard: What you know about implants make you uneasy.
Sonya: They nudge you. They change how you think, what you accept. You record instead of bear witness, store data instead of bear witness, it's...
Edourard: Inhuman.

  • Permalink: Inhuman.
  • Added:

The system is based on an efficient division of resources. What works for 30 people wouldn't work for millions.


Continuum Season 3 Quotes

You can't escape your fate, Kiera.


Soon you'll know everything I know. Soon you'll see the battlefield for the first time.
