Andy: Stop - it's just a tiny thing.
Ellie: That's what he said!
Andy: You ruined it. You ruined my gift!

Andy: It's never that hard for me.
Jules: That's what he said!

Laurie: I feel like people respect my ideas more when they think they came out of magazines.
Ellie: No.

Making coffee for my friends - that's what they like in the morning.


Ellie: (to Jules about the coffee) It's 7:45am why are you not already serving us?

Grayson: And our friendship means a lot to me. I don't want to mess that up.
Jules: I don't either. Maybe this should just be a one time deal?
Grayson: Or we could be friends with benefits.
Jules: Oh you snuck that one in at the end didn't ya? Friends with benefits - the old FWB. That is the greatest male myth of our time. That and our knees being erogenous zones.
Grayson: It is.
Jules: It's not. It's a knee. Do you want to know why FWB never works?
Grayson: No
Jules: We're friends - it can't be casual. Friend sex comes with feelings and baggage and someone always gets hurt. It's a horrible idea.

Jules: Is it going to kill the mood if I go brush my teeth and shave my legs?
Grayson: Yeah.
Jules: Oh okay fine.

Even if he is only twenty minutes away he is still leaving.


Jules: Sleepy show is canceled tonight.
Ellie: Damn it.

Travis: Are you watching me sleep?
Jules: You don't usually wake up.

Bobby: I trained him to retrieve golf balls by painting the meatballs white.
Smith's dad: That is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Ellie: Wow so it's either college twenty minutes away in Sarasota or twenty hours away in California. Which one do you want him to go to?
Jules: Doesn't really matter what I want. It's his choice.
Travis: The weather is so good in California.
Jules: Yeah, and it also has earthquakes and race riots. So you know, everybody just calm down.
Ellie: And there it is.

Cougar Town Season 1 Quotes

Jules: You see that young gentleman there, I'd love to lick his body
Woman: That's my son
Jules: Ooh, he looks smart

Jules: When a 40-something guy gets divorced, it's always: "Way to go, Tiger!"
Grayson: We don't call each other Tiger. It's always Champ, or Samurai.