Greg: You know, I get it now.
Rebecca: What do you get?
Greg: How you feel about Josh. I saw it on your face. It was weird and sad and also kind of beautiful in a pure and un-ironic kind of way.

You're a smart confident woman in charge of your own destiny. That sounded like a tampon commercial.

Paula [to Rebecca]

We have a Sam and Diane thing going on, except its unpleasant and unsexy.

Rebecca [about Greg]

I perioded on an ultra suede satee in 1987 at Roberta Janatelli's condo and I gotta tell you it was still a great party. I wrapped a sweater around my waist, then hooked up with Bobby Henderson anyway! And I started the whole sweater-around-the-waist trend! So, you're welcome.


Rebecca: Why don't we watch a movie and Buffer [White Josh] can play with my phone? Here ya' go buddy!
White Josh: Whoa! You've got a step counter on here! Whoa, it is very low. I'm gonna catch you up. (Starts walking in circles).

Rebecca: Valencia? That's such a beautiful name! What's the origin of that?
Valencia: Well, it used to be Maria, but I never felt like a Maria. So I changed it to my mother's maiden name, Valencia. It's the Spanish word for brave.

Spiders? I drove by there the other night and it was hoppin'. I always wonder though, is it possessive, Spider's, or plural Spiders', because every time I get a flyer for it, the apostrophe is always in a different place?


Rebecca: Hey! I didn't move here for him, remember? I moved here because I needed a change and Josh just happens to be here, okay? Get it straight.
Paula: Oh, are we still doing that?

Let me tell you how this works - women of equal sexual viability hate each other, even if they pretend to like each other. And that is how it has worked since the day vaginas were invented.


I wanna lock you in a basement with soundproof walls and take over your identity. I wanna cut the silky hair right off your head and slurp it up like spaghetti.


Rebecca: Where are you from again?
Josh: West Covina, California. 91791!
Rebecca: West Covina, I remember that. That's near the beach, right?
Josh: Yeah, only two hours...well, four in traffic.

Dear God, I don't pray to you because I believe in science. But I don't know what to do. Give me guidance, please. Ah-men. A-men. Amen?

Rebecca Bunch

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Quotes

Rebecca: Where are you from again?
Josh: West Covina, California. 91791!
Rebecca: West Covina, I remember that. That's near the beach, right?
Josh: Yeah, only two hours...well, four in traffic.

Dear God, I don't pray to you because I believe in science. But I don't know what to do. Give me guidance, please. Ah-men. A-men. Amen?

Rebecca Bunch