You can be my eyes.

Unsub [to Nikki]

When a good man is hurt, all who would be called good must suffer with him - Euripides.


J.R.R. Tolkien wrote "I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are an evil".


Tom: Listen to me. The only reason I haven't asked for a lawyer yet is because I hate those lying sons of bitches. Now you either give me a damned deal right now or I ain't saying boo.
Hotch: What do you want?
Tom: That's better. I want to do my time in minimum security. One of those places where they send the white collar guys, with the TVs and the gyms. No life sentence. I won't die in there.

Lewis: What was it that took?
Daryl: I met my wife.

C'mon, guys. We still have a job to do. These people deserve justice.


Alvez: Basically, [corporal mortification] involves causing yourself physical pain in the search for spiritual growth.
Garcia: Seriously, has no one heard of meditation?

Senator Cramer: You're the one who insisted Ian Doyle be released.
Dr. Reid: I am.
Cramer: And you're the only one who has not requested reinstatement to the unit. Was the decision to release Ian Doyle a personal one?
Reid: A young boy's life was at stake. I ran the probability for survival and it wasn't good. If you want to punish me for taking a risk then I encourage you to do that, but don't put the rest of my team on trial for something that I suggested.

JJ: I don't know how to do this without [Reid and Garcia]. If we can't get them back, I ...
Prentiss: It's OK. I know.

"History has a way of altering villains so that we can no longer see ourselves in them." -- Adam Serwer


Hotch: Looks like they weren't very successful criminals.
Strauss: Maybe adding a woman to their team improved their game.
Reid: The woman kills a different type of victim every time. It's not just the security guard. A mother, a manager and a young child.
JJ: She shoots them in the gut. They bleed out while they rob the bank.
Prentiss: She's sadistic. She gets off on her victims pain and the fear and insights in those around her.

Agent Morgan: People with delusional disorders don't all become killers, though.
Dr. Reid: True, but Dolan's background as a Navy Seal, his knowledge of secret missions plus his Capgras Syndrome could result in extreme paranoia. It's the perfect storm.

Criminal Minds Quotes

Morgan: (discussing Viper) We need to bait him with someone he sees as a challenge.
Reid: To study his style up close and personal is going to take someone that he's already attracted to.
(all eyes are on Emily)
Prentiss: Ahh, oh, this is really gonna suck.

Garcia: Sir, does this guy stuff actually work on real, breathing girls?
Hotchner: (confused) Why are you asking me?
Garcia: I abhor the whole chicks-dig-jerks thing.
Hotchner: Well, fortunately, Garcia, you are one of the exceptions.
Garcia: Be still my bespeckled heart. So are you, sir.
Hotchner: (smiling) Thanks.