Mayor: How do we know this maniac isn't going to take more?
Prentiss: We don't.

  • Permalink: We don't.
  • Added:

I should have known you were going to become an FBI agent. Even back then, you were all about saving lives.

Sandy [to JJ]

My Shakespeare may be a little rusty, but I don't remember Shakespeare taking little girls' underwear.

Rossi [to Brodie]

JJ: It's all there, in that place, the terrible memories.
Sandy: Well, I'm there too.

My son is dead, and you took him away from me with your lies.


You needed me and I wasn't there.

Sandy [to JJ]

"It isn't what they say about you. It's what they whisper." -- Errol Flynn


I think someone is afraid of formal gestures that might suggest commitment.

Rossi [to Alvez]

"Revenge ... the sweetest morsel to the mouth that was ever cooked in hell." -- Sir Walter Scott


You can be my eyes.

Unsub [to Nikki]

I may be going blind, but I'm not stupid.

Dustin [to Nikki]

“We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.” -- Charles Bukowski
