Cristela: I still believe in equal pay.
Trent: Good news, you and Josh are making exactly the same.

Daniela makes more money than you? That makes you the chick in the relationship.


Hey Dad, do you have to make breakfast for Mom now?


Daniela makes more money than you!

Look, I wasn't saying that women can't do everything men do. I was just saying that they won't be as good at it.


Cristela: I found out last night my sister makes more than my brother-in-law.
Josh: So, what's the big deal about that?
Cristela: She didn't tell him because she doesn't think he can handle it.
Josh: What is he a caveman?

You just let him sit there, like Stedman talking trash about Oprah.

Alberto: You know, I like it when women bring home the bacon.
Cristela: Nobody's questioning that.

If you're going to be a lawyer, you know, you're going to have to say a lot of things you don't believe in.


Josh: Well, let the best man win.
Cristela: Oh, she will.

Pathetic guys are so my type.

You can't have a Kardashian lifestyle on a honey boo boo budget.

Cristela Season 1 Quotes

Felix: If you were my wife, I would put poison in your coffee.
Cristela: If you were my husband, I'd drink it.

Cristela says cheerleaders are bimbos.
