You don't get paid to sit around until someone asks your opinion. Speak up or hang it up.

Catherine [to Penny]

Serena: This place belongs to a guy by the name of Richard Ambrose Sloan.
Allie: He's definitely got the name of a serial killer.
Serena: I don't think I can arrest anybody based on vibes. But this dude would be a great candidate.

The only way to become less stupid is to be stupid.

Beau [to Penny]

Beau: Don't you want to get to know our guests?
Penny: I'm good. I appreciate wildlife from a distance.

Serena: This does have the vibe of a place you go to lay low.
Folsom: Not you. You'd find a place with a mini-bar and pack a lot more shoes.

Penny: We're looking for an erratic bearded man.
Catherine: Where are we ever going to find one of those in Vegas?

Beau: There's a crusty schmutz around the bullet hole.
Jack: Schmutz?
Beau: It's a technical term.

Allie: Thank you. It's nice of you to help.
Serena: It's all Josh. You know him. He's invested.

I'm shocked she made it this far. It's really hard to sprint in a corset.


Maxine: Back when I was coaching, I used to pair the freshmen with the seniors and just watch them grow.
Catherine: Seniors? Watch it.

CSI: Vegas Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

I'm shocked she made it this far. It's really hard to sprint in a corset.


Maxine: Back when I was coaching, I used to pair the freshmen with the seniors and just watch them grow.
Catherine: Seniors? Watch it.