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A frightened young woman runs, then stumbles, as her pursuer closes in on her. Folsom, Allie, and Penny are investigating the murder of Shelby Winslow, a woman attending a Regency romantic festival. Clarence Mosley, a male attendee, is found dead with a similar wound. Serena finds a photo strip of the two victims at gunpoint. The substance around the bullet hole is grackle scat. Sonya reveals that neither victim had a bullet in their head. Maxine posits that the murder weapon was a captive-bolt pistol. The killer's next victim is Lamont Moore, who had been stalked by Alan Herskovitz. Allie finds a box of money under Moore's bed. Moore worked at the hotel where the festival was being held. Max proposes that Mosley may have been killed in a case of mistaken identity, because of his resemblance to Moore. Catherine encourages Penny to voice her ideas. Folsom and Allie find documents hidden in Moore's hotel tub. The documents show that Moore was being blackmailed and that three of the cases the lab had worked on recently were connected. Most of the recent suspects or victims were patients of the same psychiatrist and Herskovitz is the only one left alive. He doesn't remember Max or Catherine. He reacts badly to Moore's note: "Protect your secrets. Cull the rotten fruit." He starts ranting and gets dragged away by guards. Testing shows where the corn in the crackle poop can be found. Serena and Allie check out the farm of Richard Ambrose Sloan. He attacks and takes down Serena, holding her at gunpoint. They struggle and Serena shoots him with his pistol. Sloan thought he was following the orders of an AI, Basilisk. Catherine urges Penny to offer her opinion. Allie tells Folsom they can't be friends as they had been before Serena.

CSI: Vegas
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CSI: Vegas Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

I'm shocked she made it this far. It's really hard to sprint in a corset.


Maxine: Back when I was coaching, I used to pair the freshmen with the seniors and just watch them grow.
Catherine: Seniors? Watch it.