Dr. Morrison: There is a slight bit of pain involved. Nothing more than a little prick.
Larry: Yeah, there definitely is a prick involved.

(seeking outfit approval) Is it too 'Knot's Landing'?


You have far more bald professionals than the average person.


Cheryl: (to no one in particular) You Goddamn fucking son of a bitch!
Susie: (thinking she's being addressed) Fuck you, you car wash cunt. I had a dental appointment!

Larry: You know how bookstores make you feel stupid?
Jeff: Yeah.
Larry: Well health food stores make me feel really unhealthy.

Becky: You ate the baby Jesus and his mother Mary.
Larry: I thought they were animal cookies.
Becky: Jesus Christ is not an animal!
Larry: I thought he was a monkey.

Waiter: Do you want your first tip back?
Larry: No.
Waiter: Okay.
Larry: I'd like my second tip back.

Larry: (on the manger scene) So you can put all this junk on a trailer?
Joseph: It's not junk, but we do put it in the trailer.

Mary: Kill him, Joseph, kill him!
Larry: Shut up, Mary!

(to Larry) Let me ask you something. You like eating the pussy?


So you think you're going to cross me and mess with my shit?
Opening your fucking trap and flapping your lip?
Don't fuck with me, nigga, or you're gonna get dropped.
I'll snap off your neck with a crackle and pop.
If you say anything. you'll beg to die,
Cause I'll make you suck my dick, then I'll nut in your eye.
I'll stomp on your world as my name was Godzilla,
I'm coming for you, motherfucker, I'm your Krazee-Eyez-Killa


Krazee-Eyez: What's crackin', player?
Larry: How are you?
Krazee-Eyez: I'm alright, I'm alright. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just chilling. What's up?
Larry: Chillin'. Just chillin'.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"