Larry: I hope I can do this. She's fierce.
Jeff: Okay, at first thought it was my imagination, but you're talking really gay.

I wouldn't go around quoting "good Hodgkin's" based on Party of Five.


Jeff: Steve the choreographer--you've been spending a lot of time with him?
Larry: I probably picked up some of his mannerisms.
Jeff: Some? All! You're him! You're Steve the gay choreographer!

Weatherman: The jet stream is controlled by the rotation of the earth. You know who controls that? God!
Larry: There's a jet stream of bullshit coming out of your mouth, my friend.

(sees an apparent boner on Larry after Oscar muzzled his crotch) Enjoying the dog, Larry?


Larry: Do me a favor? Next time you use the bathroom, make sure to keep the seat down.
Nat: What are you, pussy-whipped?

Susie: Jeffrey, who's there?
Jeff: Larry.
Susie: (hushed) Carmelita, put Oscar in the bedroom, and close the door.

Marty: Why do you pee sitting down?
Larry: Many reasons.
Marty: Do you crap standing up?

Ben: You are such a baby. You're a grown-man baby!
Larry: Are you saying I'm a man-child?

Larry: I've got "severe tire damage."
Ben: That sucks.
Larry: You know those signs? It's true!

Larry: I think I got a guy for you.
Haboos: A blind date?
Larry: Literally.

Michael: What matters to women is what's on the inside.
Larry: First of all, you've got nothing inside you, okay? Let me just make that clear. You're the most superficial man I've ever met, blind or sighted.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Quotes

Larry: Who do you think has more freedom: the married man in America or the single man in Communist China?

Cheryl: Well, I think you should write a letter of apology to him.
Larry: "Dear prick, why are you such a prick?"