Chad: My favorite thing about Leo was how nothing stopped him. I told him I was straight, I was married, and I had two kids. It didn't matter. He still wouldn't take No for an answer. I have to wonder what caper he's up to now. I mean, he's always involved in something.
Will: He's up to something, all right.
Chad: You've heard from the little troll?
Sonny: Worse. We've seen him.

Lucas, I raised you to be a better liar than that.


Rex: Xander already knows. He walked in on me and Sarah having sex.
Roman: Doesn't anyone lock their doors anymore?

Daniel: I don’t hate you. I can’t.
Nicole: Well you’re doing a really good imitation of it.

If anyone was disgusting it was me. I cheated on a woman I love more than my own life. This doesn't happen again, ever.


Johnny: If you would just read the script -
John: I don't need to read the script. I lived it.

Belle: You talked about second chances. So maybe you could give me a second chance to be the kind of friend you really needed me to be.
Jan: Really? Well, there is one thing you can do for me. Stop being such a condescending bitch!

Ciara: Wait, what do you mean canceled? You called off the wedding?
Hope: No. Just the rehearsal dinner. I'm taking Rafe camping on Smith Island tonight to save Julie the trouble of throwing -
Rafe: Camping.
Hope: Probably. Yes, camping. Two very over the top parties back to back.
Tripp: Well, camping will be more fun for you guys anyway.
Rafe: Well, more fun for you too, unless, of course, you like drunk people rambling on and on and on.
Ciara: Thank God. I was afraid you guys were gonna tell me you decided not to get married.

Sonny: I will be as cutthroat as possible with the woman who is the mother of Will's child.
Victor: Good.
Sonny: I was being sarcastic.

Nicole: It was Adrienne leaving him. From what I understand, that's why Lucas started drinking.
Maggie: Adrienne broke his heart, no doubt. But there is no good excuse for him to relapse. In fact, Lucas drinking again, it will sink him deeper into depression.

Ciara: It was so humiliating, Mom. I put it all out there and I was so sure he was... but it turns out Theo doesn't want anything to do with me.
Rafe: Well, you can still be friends.
Ciara: Yeah, that'll work.

You look happy. Whose life did you destroy today?
