Leo: Are you wearing a wire?
Sonny: No, I'm not wearing a wire.
Leo: Let me see. Trust issues, remember? [Leo searches under Sonny's shirt.] We're good.
Sonny: Not quite. I don't want another doctored video.

Eve: You are so mercenary.
Theresa: And you're so cheap.

Allie: Have you done this before
Chanel: Kissed a girl? I've been with guys, mostly, but some girls too.
Allie: So you're bi?
Chanel: I don't like labels. I prefer to say I just like people.

Marlena: Happy New Year, Ciara.
Ciara: Happy New Year. Sorry. It's just I haven't seen you since...
Marlena: Christmas Eve.
Ciara: Yeah.
Ben: How are you feeling, Dr. Evans?
Marlena: Tired but grateful for the love I have around me.
Ciara: I'm grateful we have you back.
Marlena: I appreciate that. I know there's a lot going on but I wanted to ask you for your forgiveness.
Ben: You don't have to.
Marlena: I know I wasn't in control of myself, but if there is anything I can do to make it up to you...
Ciara: There is one thing, actually. Tell me why the Devil was after my baby.

Rafe: Don't you worry. Your mom is on the case, and when Hope Brady wants something, she doesn't stop until she gets it.
Ciara: Are you saying that as her boss or...?
Rafe: Listen to me. My relationship with your mom is strictly professional. We agreed that was what was best.
Ciara: So there was a discussion?
Rafe: Not exactly.
Ciara: You have a tell, you know. The tips of your ears get red. It's so cute. It's like you're blushing.
Rafe: I am not blushing. Look, Ciara, I appreciate you being curious about your mom and me, but right now I gotta say, this conversation is making me uncomfortable.

Hope: Bo died. Did you know that? He had cancer. He died in my arms.
Aiden: Sorry.
Hope: He was held prisoner just like you were.
Aiden: Why are you telling me this?
Hope: Because a lot of things that I believed about my life turned out not to be true. Bo never stopped loving me and you only started to love me when you were paid a lot of money to do so. I don't know what to think about anything right now, and I don't want any pressure from you.

You can still throw a hell of a punch there, dude.


Funny that you didn't feel the need to talk to me before writing the article branding me a whore.


Marlena: Belle, Sami doesn't hate you.
Belle: Oh yeah, she's such a loving and devoted sister that she sold me on the black market.

Well, mi amora, I'm back and there's nothing you can do about it. But you're in luck, really, because I intend to put the House of Dimera back in order again.


Claire: What's got her knickers in a knot? The way she's acting, you'd think you voted for me.
Ciara: He did vote for you!
Claire: Oh my God! No wonder she's breathing fire.

You have to admit that my family does bring along an elevated level of crazy and potentially lethal force to the party.