Assessment. It's the kind of word doctors use when they don't know what the hell they're doing.


Nicole: So how long has Johnny known?
EJ: What are you, clairvoyant now?
Nicole: I may not be a genius, but I'm not stupid. I saw that you made a beeline for him as soon as Gabi left.

Hope: Someone just wanted to get here really early.
Aiden: What? It's my only chance to try the ring toss before I have to shove a kid out of the way.

I had no idea you were gonna be out, so I don't want you to think I was stalking you or anything.


Eric: I knew it wouldn't be easy, but Jennifer and I decided to put our friendship first.
Marlena: I'm sorry it didn't work out.
Eric: It's just, I'm not ready to jump into a relationship right now. I think my focus should be on my work at the center.
Marlena: I know how important that is to you. [pause] Is something wrong, honey?
Eric: It's just that things at work are gonna get somewhat complicated.
Marlena: How so?
Eric: Nicole Walker.

Johnny: Your handwriting expert's lying!
EJ: No. Ava is. She may be a supreme con artist and a grifter, but one thing I can say for certain she is not is a Dimera.

Philip is out of my system.


I hated your guts for 20 years and it was a waste of time and energy. Once you're dead maybe I can finally forget you ever existed.


Theo: You wanna make love right now?
Claire: Well, that's what I said.
Theo: I know. I just, um.
Claire: You just what?
Theo: I, um, wasn't expecting it to happen so soon.
Claire: You wanna wait a year or two?
Theo: No. It's just, it's a big step, you know. It's just very... grown-up.

I know it doesn't make any sense, but I can't do this. I know Ciara doesn't want me anymore, but she's still my wife.


See, I've seen you play this little selfless act a lot over the years, so I'm going to have to go ahead and call bull on this. There's only one person you care about in all of this, Theresa, and that's you.


Rafe: Hope is not the only person who has been infested with a new host.
Kate: What the hell is that supposed to mean?