Eve: You gonna counsel me now on forgiveness?
Eric: Forgiveness can't change the past but it can help the future.
Eve: I'm not forgiving Brady. I'm done with men. I'm going to focus on running my company and not letting Brady near me to hurt me anymore.

It seems like just yesterday we were in fourth grade.


Daniel was my son. He lives on in his children, and I want them to be raised together.


Abe: I have no interest in your personal life, except if it involves people I care about. And I don't care about Eve. But if you need help finding a new commissioner, I'm happy to consult.
Jack: Actually, I already hired a new commissioner. Eli Grant.
Abe: Really?
Jack: You disapprove?
Abe: No, I think that Eli is an excellent choice.
Jennifer: So do I.
Jack: Not bad for a slimy politician, huh?

Eli: Please tell me Eric didn't decide to be an idiot and go after Xander himself.
JJ: He decided to be an idiot and went after Xander himself.

Raines: Okay, JJ, start at the beginning.
JJ: How can I start at the beginning if I don't even know what that is? It's this damn drug! I don't remember anything!
Raines: You'd be wise to drop the attitude and start cooperating.
JJ: I am! I want to answer your questions, but how can I if I don't remember anything?

Allie: You didn't give the baby a name?
Sami: I didn't think it was my place.
Allie: When has that ever stopped you?

Jada: That was some house they lived in. Did you know that people have been held against their will in the wine cellar?
Shawn: Oh yeah, my mother and my sister-in-law both had it happen to them recently.
Jada: Why does everyone in this town talk about this like it's normal?

Andre: I realize that policemen are suspicious by nature, but I assure you I do not have a hidden agenda.
Rafe: You wanna take a polygraph on that?

Jack: So do I have your blessing for the opportunity to throw your hat back in the ring?
Abe: I would very much appreciate that.
[Jennifer comes in]
Jennifer: What's going on here?
Jack: Well, you're looking at the once and future mayor of Salem, and a very dear friend of mine. Or at least, I hope he still is.

Brady: I ended things with Kristen.
Nicole: You did the right thing.
Brady: Your brain can tell you that, but your heart thinks differently.

Inoperable brain tumor? What was I thinking? I could have done better than that.
