Nora: You think I'm crazy.
Lynette: No! You're colorful... Colorful in a way that might respond to medication.

(Bree and Orson are leaving to go find Andrew. Orson has only just found out Bree left him on the side of the road)
Danielle: You know, Andrew is not the only one having a rough year. I'm the one whose boyfriend got shot right in front of her.
(Orson looks at Bree stunned)
Bree: (to Orson) We'll... talk in the car.

(leaving the elevator) Don't laugh. I saved a bundle on airfare.


(to Andrew) . I know about rage. I know how it eats you up. But rage goes away, and when it does, you're just left with the mess you've made.


(Tom is on the phone with Lynette)
Tom: I can barely sit up. The kids are running wild. I need you to come up here.
Lynette: Why don't you take a muscle relaxer?
Tom: I've already taken two, they're not working.
Lynette: Well, why don't you give them to the kids?
Tom: Lynette! ... Parker! For the last time, put DOWN the DAMN AXE!
Lynette: Oh... alright, I'll be there as soon as I can.

(Susan just told Ian that she's slept with 11 men in her life.)
Ian: Where are you going?
Susan: To bed! Alone! You know, it's always something I wanted to try, but I've never got around.

Orson Hodge dreamed of the perfect honeymoon. Indeed, he'd begun planning it the moment Bree Van De Kamp agreed to marry him. They'd start by flying first class, to an exclusive 5-star hotel, where they'd spend their days by the pool, and their nights making love. And when they returned home, their perfect honeymoon would continue... forever.

Mary Alice

Take a number I'm with a client.


We all carry something with us. Of course, it's nice if we travel with someone who can help lighten the load. But usually, it's easier to just drop what we've been carrying, so we can get home
that much sooner... Assuming, of course, there will be someone there
to greet us when we arrive. Why do we clutch at this baggage, even when we're
desperate to move on? Because we all know
there's a chance... We might let go too soon.


Edie: Julie, sweetie. You're a good girl. Do yourself a favor and stay away from my nephew.
Julie: Trust me, I have no interest in swaggering, muscle-bound juvenile delinquents.
Edie: Honey, that's what every good girl says, just before she becomes a bad girl. Trust me, I know.

(Edie is about to give Austin a can of beer)
Edie: Oh, wait. You're 18, right?
Austin: Well, that's what my ID says.
Edie: Yeah. Mine too.

(Susan, Lynette and Gabrielle are discussing if Bree is making the worst mistake of her life by marrying Orson. Bree enters the room...)
Bree: And what mistake would that be?
Mary-Alice: Yes, a bridesmaid can question many of the brides choices...
Susan: These dresses are hideous.
Mary Alice: ... but the groom is not one of them.

Desperate Housewives Season 3 Quotes

(talking on the phone) Hey Gaby, It's Lynette. Got a little emergency here. Is it okay if we use your back yard? (pauses) Great, great. And we take complete responsibility for whatever the pony does. Hope you get this message soon.


Bree: Excuse me. Did you lose something?
Orson: No. I just thought... for you.
Bree: Oh, um. I don't do that.
Orson: Why not?
Bree: I'm a republican.
Orson: I'm a libertarian. I believe in minimizing the role of the state and maximizing individual rights.
Bree: But Orson?!
Orson: Trust me. I know what I'm doing.