The Doctor: Is anyone excited? Because I'm really excited.
Graham: You won't be if it's a bomb.
The Doctor: Don't kill the vibe, Graham!

Krasko: Blue box in the alley. Is it a T.A.R.D.I.S.?
The Doctor: Might be. What's it to you?
Krasko: Could be worth a lot.
The Doctor: Nah. Not that one. Second-hand. Huge mileage. One careless owner.

Graham: What are you doing? That is vandalism. We'll have to pay for that.
The Doctor: Don't worry. Special pen.
Graham: No, pack it in. You ain't Banksy.
The Doctor: Or am I?

Graham: We're here to pitch an invention. It's a telephone that plays music and it's a camera, also. It takes photos. And it's a calendar. And it sends letters.
Mason: Sounds ridiculous. What's your name, sir?
Graham: Steve. Jobs. Steve Jobs.
Mason: You being disrespectful with me, Mr. Jobs?
Graham: Steve Jobs would never disrespect a Montgomery police officer, sir.

I can be a police officer now because people like Rosa Parks fought those battles for me. For us. And in fifty-three years, they'll have a black president as leader. Who knows where they'll be fifty years after that? That's proper change.


The Doctor: What were you [in prison] for in the first place?
Krasko: If I tell you, it might color your view of me. I was young. Nobody got hurt. Well, a few people got killed. A few hundred people, thousand tops. Two thousand.

Education makes you unstoppable.

Rosa Parks

(zaps Krasko with temporal displacement weapon) Oh! Oh! It worked! Nice one, Ryan! Thanks, Ryan. Move the car, clear the route, find the bus, and Rosa Parks can change the world. Good, here we go!


Robertson: Frankie, we're family, right? I mean, you're my... what are you again?
Frankie: I'm your niece's wife, sir.
Robertson: Exactly.

[to Yaz] What? You actually have friends? [to Ryan] She paying you?


The Doctor: Imagine me with a sofa. Like, my own sofa. I could get a purple one and sit on it. Am I being weird?
Ryan: Little bit, yeah.
The Doctor: I was trying to do small talk. Thought I was doing quite well.
Yaz: Needs work.

Maybe I'm nervous. Or just socially awkward. I'm still figuring myself out.

The Doctor

Doctor Who Quotes

There's a horror movie named Alien? That's really offensive. No wonder everybody keeps invading you.

The Doctor

The Doctor: It's a risk.
Graham: Oh, like none of our other trips have ever been risky.
The Doctor: I have apologized for the Death Eye Turtle Army! Profusely.