Clara: I'm actually frightened I never get frightened why am I frightened?
The Doctor: You just lost a little girl.
Clara: Yes, that is a worry, but I know you'll find her. No no no. This, this is not worry. This is a threat.

Yes, well there are some things I have not seen. That's usually because I have chosen not to see them. Even my incredibly long life is too short for Les Miserables.

The Doctor

Do you like the forest being in Trafalgar Square? I think it's lovely.

Little Girl

Clara. My Clara. I have chosen well.


Clara: Just say it! Why can't you just say it. Why can't you just say I did good?
The Doctor: Talk to soldier boy.
Clara: Not him. C'mon. Why can't you just say it? I was The Doctor and I was quite good.
The Doctor: You were an exceptional Doctor, Clara.
Clara: Thank you.
The Doctor: Goodness had nothing to do with it.

Clara: Yeah, but we saved the world, right?
The Doctor: We did. You did.
Clara: OK then. So on balance...
The Doctor: On balance?
Clara: Yeah. That's how you think, isn't it?
The Doctor: Largely so other people don't have to.
Clara: Yeah, well I was you today. I was The Doctor. And apparently I was quite good at it.
The Doctor: You heard that, did you?
Clara: Yeah, but the power was going off so I suppose you were delirious. You didn't know what you saying.
The Doctor: Yes.

Rule number one of being The Doctor. Use your enemy's power against them.


Life support failing. I don't know if you'll ever hear this, Clara. I don't even know if you're still alive out there. But you were good! And you made a mighty fine Doctor.

The Doctor

Doctor? Doctor? What would you do now? No. What would I do now.


I don't know if you can hear me, but the TARDIS is now in siege mode. No way in, no way out. I managed to turn it on just before the train hit, but there's not enough power now to turn it off.

The Doctor

Clara: I'll tell you who I am. I am the one chance you have of staying alive. That's who I am.
The Doctor: Well done.

I'm The Doctor. Doctor Oswald, but you can call me Clara.
