This may be my first ankle monitor, but it ain't my first rodeo.


Fallon: I am working on removing the other "L" word from my vocabulary.
Monica: "Love" or "Liam"?
Fallon: Both. I need to work on forgetting Liam, which is ironic.

Right now, I'm not wowed. I'm actually un-wowed.


This isn't over you conniving little wombat.


Anders: And I think it's probably for the best that things didn't work out with Michael.
Kirby: What do you mean?
Anders: I mean that you and Michael dated for all of five minutes. If this is how you're reacting than obviously you still have a lot of growing up to do.

Fallon: Should I text him? Maybe I'll text him.
Sam: Fallon, we broke into his house twice. Okay? I'd let it breathe.
Fallon: For how long?

The annual Blue Belt tasting is tonight at Carrington Manor. Apparently, Adam's running the vineyard now. Prodigal son entrusted with the last remaining jewel of the Carrington empire. It's almost Shakespearean.

Jeff Colby

Cristal: I want the same level of authority as Adam. As your wife, I should have a say in the family business. Give me power, and I promise our dynasty will flourish.
Blake: Well then congrats on your promotion, Mrs. Carrington.

Adam: I heard about your visit with father.
Fallon: Don't be jealous. It wasn't conjugal.

Cristal: Count me out. I'm definitely not partying while Blake is in jail.
Fallon: Really? Seems like the perfect time to me. Oh, don't go all wicked stepmother on me now.

You went back on our deal with Femperial, which is hilarious, considering you have about as much of a chance of successfully running that company as I do successfully running a marathon in heels. Or ever.


Blake: If we don't take care of this, the only place you're going to be working in is prison. As a prisoner.
Anders: Yes, sir. I got your meaning.

Dynasty Season 3 Quotes

Blake: If we don't take care of this, the only place you're going to be working in is prison. As a prisoner.
Anders: Yes, sir. I got your meaning.

You're responsible for Mack too? How many bodies are in that lake?
