He calls me Yoko.


As you can imagine, it's been a nightmare. They want me to sell my plane! I mean, that's not gonna happen, you gotta draw the line somewhere. But sadly, I do have to make some cutbacks. So I wanted to thank you for 18 years, I can't believe it, but today needs to be our last day. If you could just grab that little bit of seaweed shit over there I think,we're good. Also, actually don't know if that's your rake, or my rake, but by all means - and again, thank you. Oh there's part of a dead seagull over there, if could just grab that that'd be great.


I'm going to stick with definitive, but I'll go to the grave remembering 'gimmicky.'


Okay, is this still about the abusive thing? Because, no offensive, sometimes your expectations can be a little unrealistic.


I don't have a best friend, because I'm not seven.


Matt: It's childhood! It's over before you know it!
Sean: You should never have been given sperm.
Matt: Look, obviously, you can't put a price on your children's happiness. But it turns out you can, they showed me a spreadsheet.
Sean: I'm out.

Sean: You're fired!
Wendy: I'm what?
Sean: Nevermind.

Heads will roll - oh! Look out for the heads!


Matt: I need a favor -
Beverly: Noooo -
Sean: Maybe, let him ask first.

How many elephants are in this room!?


There's no excuse! I was young, I was naive - okay those are both excuses.


If she's not having one, she definitely ate one!


Episodes Quotes

Customs Official: Reason for entering the country?
Beverly: Matt. LeBlanc.

Beverly: Bloody ridiculous.
Sean: Utter bullshit.