Isabel: I need to get a life, and I need to get my nose out of books. And I've tried before, but the world... it's SO MUCH. And books are where I feel safe.
Elena: You don't feel safe in the real world?
Isabel: I feel out of step, like I don't really belong. And I'm worried my whole life is one big 'no, thank you' when I want it to be a 'YES'!

Real life can be intimidating. Getting lost in a good book? I mean, shoot, there's nothing better. Especially if it's romance.


I might be you, but I'm not a moron.

Young Brian

I've gone hunting, and I've napped twice. What else is there to do?


Young Brian: You married our dream woman, and you blew it?
Brian: I didn't blow it. Relationships are complicated.
Young Brian: You think I don't know that? We're the child of divorce.

Elena: Given the circumstances, I hope that you will change your mind about wanting to be rescued.
Brian: Why would I do that?
Elena: The possibility of death comes to mind.

Brian: Being trapped under this boulder with no idea whether I'll manage to crawl out of here is the purest state of being there is.
Elena: Mm-hm.
Brian: What, you don't believe me?
Elena: Maybe you'll discover that some burdens can turn out to be gifts.

Rachel: My books are where I can truly be myself. I feel free when I write.
Isabel: Then we're a good pair because I feel very free when I read.
Rachel: Wouldn't it be nice if we could both feel free all the time?

Until today, I thought I had a handle on you. Now, I'm realizing, not so much because I never thought you were someone who could face a situation like this without giving in to the fear.


So many generations paved the way so that you and I could be whoever we want to be. Y'know, because they were brave, we can be too.


Fantasy Island Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Real life can be intimidating. Getting lost in a good book? I mean, shoot, there's nothing better. Especially if it's romance.


Isabel: I need to get a life, and I need to get my nose out of books. And I've tried before, but the world... it's SO MUCH. And books are where I feel safe.
Elena: You don't feel safe in the real world?
Isabel: I feel out of step, like I don't really belong. And I'm worried my whole life is one big 'no, thank you' when I want it to be a 'YES'!