Dwight: Did you bring something to tear my fingernails off with ... a pair of pliers maybe?
Man: I was thinking about your question. Gonna tell you the truth, I got no clue why Logan wants that gas, but he wants it and when you go that long without something, well makes you do even crazier things to get it. You can understand that, right Dwight?
Dwight: How do you know my name?
Man: Oh, come on now. Can't go a mile around here without finding one of those tapes y'all made. I gotta say, when I saw your part, I thought, I get this guy. He's all broken up over what eventually breaks us all.

Honey. That's cute.


Man: Snatch.
Dwight: Don't touch that.
Man: See, that's the thing when we get good snatch, and I mean really good snatch. And we lose, huh. Watch out.

Dwight: So, we should go meet up with the others.
Grace: Where our caravan's going, we need everything we can find in this place.
Dwight: What if they find us?
Grace: No, they won't. We were careful. No chatter. No breadcrumbs.
Dwight: They might have heard the same message that brought us here.
Morgan: You think they're in range?
Dwight: I'm picking up Daniel's signal.
Morgan: Right.
Grace: So, we go?
Dwight: They're pretty pissed about the gas. I want to make sure we're standing if they're on their way here.
Morgan: If they're hitting truck stops, we're going to need everything that's in here more than ever.

See, somebody helped me. That's what this is all about.


I started filming our stories so we would have it, but it became about so much more.


John: This was by far the ugliest mustard I'd ever seen.
[Althea laughs]
John: What?
Althea: Where did that phrase come from?
John: It's something my grandpa used to say. He worked in a delicatessen.

Tell them they're making more enemies than friends out here.


John: Oh no.
June: John, John are you there?
John: Yeah, I'm here sweetheart.
June: You must be getting closer.
John: We are. Or, I mean, we were. I imagine we're both looking at the same thing right now. We're not giving up or anything, but I might not make it back in time.
June: John, where are you? I'll come.
John: It's too far.
June: Just tell me.
John: Is the plane working?
June: We're getting there. We're waiting for Morgan and Alicia, John. Where are you?
John: We're going to do our best to get back there, but I need you to promise me. Promise me that you'll take off whether I'm there or not?
June: John.
John: From the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew I'd found my reason to live. I want you to always have a reason to. Whether I'm there or not, okay? You hear me?
June: John.
John: You live, June.

We have food, shelter, supplies. We don't have an angle.


Morgan, we need to leave right now.


Logan, get your ass down here!


Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Quotes

Max: Don't be scared.
Dylan: I'm not scared. Is it going to be loud?
Max: No. It won't be loud. Actually, I'm completely lying. It's going to be one of the louder things you've ever heard. Louder than when Dad's barbecue exploded.
Dylan: Annie said there was a crowd of growlers nearby.
Max: That's the next problem we'll handle.
Max: Dylan, you can do this.

Alicia: How far to the truck stop?
Morgan: I don't know. We may be ten, fifteen miles from the touchdown site.
Alicia: We're not going to make it in time.
Morgan: No, we will make it.