Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15 Review: Channel 5

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Buckle up people because Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 is about to be over which means things have to start happening. 

If Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15 was any indication, then we're looking at a season finale in which nothing will happen. 

"Channel 5" featured all of the series regulars as well as the woefully underdeveloped side characters as they went on a mission. 

A New Home - Fear the Walking Dead

If the hour was supposed to raise the stakes, it didn't. It was a frustrating watch that felt like a terrible remake of the original Cloverfield movie. 

The found-footage side of things is wearing thin, and I wouldn't be surprised if that storytelling style is being adopted for budgetary reasons. 

John and Morgan in a Cave - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15

But at the rate the series is losing viewers, then it's entirely possible. 

We've spent just a few episodes with Ginny as the big bad, and she already has to go. Her stupid speeches are already rivaling the terrible ones from Morgan. 

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Something Fear the Walking Dead has lacked is villains that actually DO things instead of saying they will do them. 

We've been driving for five days now, stopping every 40 miles or so to scout. I'm not gonna lie, it's tough.


If you watch Fear the Walking Dead online, you know we had Logan for about a dozen episodes, and he was filled with empty threats. 

Al With a Camera - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15

None of the villains are remotely scary. It's devastating that this show was once superior to The Walking Dead is starting to resemble Z Nation. 

That's not a dig at Z Nation. With that show, we knew what to expect. But FTWD is just throwing out ideas hoping they will stick. 

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Ginny had all of the characters right where she needed them to be. She wanted them to admit they needed her help. 

Al was especially annoying because she thinks her team is invincible and that's why she was talking a big game out in the open -- telling Ginny that she will expose her for who she is. 

Preparing for the Next Threat - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15

At that moment, Ginny should have done something to get her people back and prove she is not the type of leader to let some chick with an obsession for cameras talk down to her in that manner. 

Ginny wanting her own documentaries is, quite simply, laughable. 

Who cares about a documentary when you're living in a world in which there's no sense of community because walkers keep offing everyone?

Doing things the way we do... it isn't easy. It's hard. 'Cause they're not supposed to be easy.


It feels like the show should be called Fear the Documentary Wars. There's nothing remotely exciting about the videos either group is creating. 

The Happy Couple - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15

Al is all about living in the present as opposed to caring about the future, and it's vice versa for Ginny. 

There's no conflict there because neither of these women are willing to reason with the other. All they want to do is bicker their way through scenes. It's embarrassing. 

Related: Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 14 Review: Today and Tomorrow

The twist at the end wasn't even surprising. It was just random, like every other storyline on this show. 

I don't even know what to call the team including Al anymore. They're no longer Morgan's or Alicia's people. Everyone seems to have their own agenda. 

Daniel Makes a Plan - Fear the Walking Dead

But now that they're forced to contact Ginny for help, they're going to need to offer something in return, and I would do cartwheels if it emerged that Ginny wanted the tapes and the cameras destroyed. 

For the show to work going forward, we need a more streamlined cast. There's simply too many people being failed by the poor storytelling. 

I can't be the only one that keeps forgetting the kids even exist, right? 

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The Walking Dead deals with several communities and gives each character just the right amount of screen time to keep the plots centered on all the communities moving forward. 

Grace Talks to Morgan - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 14

It's clearly a difficult skill to master and one that may be handled better with new showrunners to steer this show in a different creative direction. 

However, the show may be too far gone from what it was when it was at its best. It's to the point that it might be best if AMC just cut its losses and allowed the show to become a distant memory. 

It's not nice to bash a show continually, but it would be good if there was some semblance of consistency. 

The only positive from this installment was that Grace was still alive. She's the best character on the show, and I probably won't continue to watch when the character dies. 

Al Finds Herself in a Pickle - Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 14

Karen David first appeared as Grace earlier this season, but she's been the only constant throughout. The writers are forcing the other characters to do things they normally wouldn't to fit the narrative. 

But Grace is simply the best-written character on the series. She isn't as one-dimensional as her counterparts. 

Many fans want Grace and Morgan to be a couple, but this show does the opposite of what the fans want, so we should probably expect her death on the finale. 

What did you think of the installment?

Are you getting ready to ditch the show?

Hit the comments below. 

Channel 5 Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

We've been driving for five days now, stopping every 40 miles or so to scout. I'm not gonna lie, it's tough.


That's why we're making another one of these. To show you everything.
