You have no idea what's going on here.


Charlie: I'm in his car, he's about to leave.
Strand: Hey, get out of there. We're coming in.
Wendell: You know how long I've been waiting to drop this hammer?
Sarah: And turn her into Swiss Cheese.

Does Strand usually send kids to do his work?


John: We don't want any trouble.
June: In the car.

Luciana: We're getting closer. The roadblocks. They're starting to form a perimeter.
John: Well, the sooner we tie a bow around this, the sooner we figure out where to head in.

John: These kind of warnings, there's some serious people on the other side.
June: We're serious people.
John: I know how these things work.
The longer we go without finding out, our chances of finding out get less and less. And that were before. I'll take this one.

June: What?
John: Our luck just turned again.

June: What the hell was that?
John: Serious people.
June: We can outrun them.
John: They took our weapons. We're not going to get far with what we got. We need more firepower.

If you're watching this, it means I probably didn't make it.


John: Well, whatever it was she came to check out, it's gone.
Alicia: What do you mean gone? You said she pinned it to the ground.
John: Rain turned the ground to mush. Must have slipped free. I don't know. Maybe she followed it. Maybe she's just chasing the story like she does, you know.
Alicia: You really believe that? I mean, with everything we've seen since the crash.
John: I guess I want to. If I'm being honest, no.

Every walker I kill, that's one less dangerous thing out there.


Luciana: I'm high from the drugs because of my injury and talking shit, aren't I?
John: Yes, now take this gun, we're leaving you alone.

Fear the Walking Dead Season 5 Quotes

Max: Don't be scared.
Dylan: I'm not scared. Is it going to be loud?
Max: No. It won't be loud. Actually, I'm completely lying. It's going to be one of the louder things you've ever heard. Louder than when Dad's barbecue exploded.
Dylan: Annie said there was a crowd of growlers nearby.
Max: That's the next problem we'll handle.
Max: Dylan, you can do this.

Alicia: How far to the truck stop?
Morgan: I don't know. We may be ten, fifteen miles from the touchdown site.
Alicia: We're not going to make it in time.
Morgan: No, we will make it.