Alright, now let's Mafia things up a little. Joey, burn down the ship. Clamps, burn down the crew.


Joey: Hey, boss, this here crew list lists a robot on this crew here.
Donbot: Alright. I want you to find him and plug him. Then unplug him.

Donbot: Joey, Clamps, hurry and blindfold them before they see us some more.
Joey: Hey, boss, looks like somebody beat us to it.
Leela: I'll assume that's a joke at my expense.

Bender(british accent): Sorry I'm tardy, old bean. I was just enjoying a rather tasty watercress sandwich.
Donbot: Hey. He's more classy than I realised.

Donbot: Hello, we're the Robot Mafia. The entire Robot Mafia. We're here to steal your cigars.
Leela: You'll never get away with this.
Fry: Unless you let us live. Then you'll get off scot free.

Joey: They're coming straight toward our proximity. Maybe you should give 'em the clamps, Clamps.
Clamps: Gee, you think? You think that maybe I should use these clamps that I use every day at every opportunity? You're a freaking genius, you idiot!

Leela: I'm back at the wheel, Fry. Everything's under control.
Fry: Great, great. The one time I forgot to buy flight insurance!

Wait! Why do the raised letters that normally say "Turn Master Steering Wheel Company" say "Nibbler"?


Their desire to keep living shows me no respect.


Wow! It's too bad you can't see, Leela, 'cause there's a cool ship out there shooting at somebody.


Donbot: Alright, here's the battle plan: We shoot, they surrender, we go aboard, somebody does some clamping, then we heist the cigars and go home.
Bender: And all without killing anyone. This gang's got some fresh, new ideas. I admire that.
Joey: Oh, we'll kill 'em alright.
Clamps: We got 'em heavily out-clamped. They won't know what clamped 'em!

Bender: So they sent a helpless child to kill me? Well I'm not going out without a fight. (kicks Tim's crutch out from under him)
Tinny Tim: Fine kick, sir! But I'm actually here to deliver your cut from the cigar heist.
Bender: Oh, sweet legal tender! Kid, tell the Donbot I'm quitting organized crime. From now on I'll stick to the regular kind.

Futurama Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Leela (seeing a blurry image that looks like Bender): I think it's Blotto, that gangster I saw when my patch fell off! (her vision clears to reveal the Professor) Professor?! Where were you at 10pm last night?
Farnsworth: Where am I now?

Bender: So they sent a helpless child to kill me? Well I'm not going out without a fight. (kicks Tim's crutch out from under him)
Tinny Tim: Fine kick, sir! But I'm actually here to deliver your cut from the cigar heist.
Bender: Oh, sweet legal tender! Kid, tell the Donbot I'm quitting organized crime. From now on I'll stick to the regular kind.