Edna: Teach me to love you, squishy poet from beyond the stars!
Fry: Uh, I'm flattered, really. If I was gonna do it with a big, freaky mud bug you'd be way up the list!

Fry: Dr. Zoidberg, it's not how it looks.
Zoidberg: Her caviar is on your neck!

Edna: Oh, it's true, Zoidberg. We can't hide it any longer. Fry and I have fallen in love and we're going to mate tomorrow.
Fry: What?!

Decapodian Emperor: The law is clear. Fry and Zoidberg shall fight to the death for the claw of the beautiful Edna.
Fry: But I don't want her!
Decapodian Emperor: Once invoked, the sacred tradition of Claw-Plach can not be taken back. It is a recent tradition, only 18 years old, but it is a tradition none the less.

Zoidberg: Get ready, Fry. I'm going to rip your swim bladder out and show it to you.
Leela: Dr. Zoidberg, this is madness. You're being irrational.
Zoidberg: Of course I'm being irrational! I'm in love!
Leela: Aww.

Decapodian Emperor: Listen, lady, as you can plainly see I'm a highly desirable male, groaning with jelly. Yet I embrace a life of celibacy in order to uphold our crazy traditions. One of your friends must die.
Bender: Fate is cruel and unyielding and what must be must be. Takin' all bets! I'm giving 9-2 on Zoidberg, the crab with the jab! The Great Red Hope!

Zoidberg: Fry, it's been years since medical school so remind me. Disembowelling in your species: Fatal or non-fatal?
Fry: Fatal.
Zoidberg: Large bet on myself in round one!

Decapodian Emperor: Edna, have you anything to say before begins the Claw-Plach?
Edna: I do. I just want to say that today I got up and I had a piece of toast. Then I brushed my teeth-
Fry: Shut up!
Edna: I love you Fry!

Fry, having guessed what animal I was thinking of, you shall have first choice of weapon.

Decapodian Emperor

Zoidberg: I choose my own claws! I want the tactile pleasure of chopping him right here in the gonads!
He points at Fry's neck
Fry: Shh! Nobody correct him!

Bender: Fry, I've never asked you for anything before but, if it's not too much trouble, when it comes to the ninth round just let him win.
Fry: But it's a fight to the death!
Bender: Oh, so this is suddenly all about you. Sheesh!

My fellow fish monsters, far be it for me to question your stupid civilization or its dumb customs, but is squeezing each other's brains out with a giant nutcracker really going to solve anything?


Futurama Season 2 Quotes

Gimmie you're biggest, strongest, cheapest drink.


She was my first love... or at least the earliest one I can still remember.
