Rory: Is it hard to become a member here?
Richard: Everyone has to go through a thorough screening process.
Rory: Kind of like the FBI?
Richard: We're much more thorough than that.

(referring to Michel) Can't stand the talk. Love to watch the walk.


Behold, in theaters now, The Thing That Reads a Lot.

</i> Lorelai

Rory: Yes, but I'm going to be wearing shoes. Nobody's going to see my feet.
Lorelai: Okay, but everybody knows that private school girls are bad. And bad girls always wear red nail polish.

Miss Patty: Rory! Hello. Try a plum. They're better than sex.
Rory: Um, no, thanks.
Miss Patty: Fresh fruit always has such a, tch, a sensuality about it. Are you too young for this?
Rory: Definitely.
Miss Patty: Well what are you here for, honey?
Rory: Oh, well, I just..I just (stuttering).
Miss Patty: Ooh, I see what you're here for (referring to Dean). Well that wouldn't fit in a basket. No, no no no.
Rory: Patty! It's not like that. He's just a person.
Miss Patty: A person?
Rory: A boy-type person.
Miss Patty: Oh, my favorite kind.
Rory: I really don't even know him.
Miss Patty: Oh right, you don't know him.
Rory: I don't.
Miss Patty: You said.
Rory: Please don't say anything.
Miss Patty: I promise I won't tell a single soul that you don't know that young man.
Rory: Thank you.
Miss Patty: You're welcome.

(to Emily) Well, we like our internet slow, ok. We can turn it on, walk around, do a little dance, make a sandwich. With DSL there's no dancing, no walking and we'd starve. It'd be all work and no play. Have you not seen The Shining, Mom?


Emily: So you're not going?
Lorelai: Not this time.
Emily: I don't think Claudia's planning to die a second time.

Rory: Are you my boyfriend?
Dean: In the broadest sense of the word way?
Rory: No, in the real, 'Hi, this is Dean, my boyfriend' kind of way.
Dean: Well, I am if you want me to be

Lorelai: Life is a funny funny thing, huh?
Sookie: Yeah I love that Jim Carrey.
Lorelai: What?
Sookie: Jim Carrey. He's just -- he's just -- funny.
Lorelai: He is funny but I didn't mean funny, funny. I'm being philosophical.
Sookie: Oh. Very serious face. Jean-Paul Sartre.

Sir, I'm just a simple country boy from Texas. I do not understand this francais business you're babbling about.

</i> Michel

Emily: This Patricia --
Lorelai: Miss Patty.
Emily: She teaches dance?
Lorelai: Among other things.

Rory: I can't be late on my first day of school. Do you know what happens to people when they're late on their first day?
Lorelai: It's shorter?
Rory: For the rest of the year, they're labeled "The Late Girl."
Lorelai: How dramatic.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
