Lorelai: Hey Mom, you didn't make it back to the room last night. Did you get lucky?
Emily: Could you be any cruder?
Lorelai: Yeah, I could be cruder. Hey Mom, did you get lai...
Rory: Thanks for coming!

Michel: (on the phone at the inn) As soon as I can, I will send someone up ... Yes, I will ... I understand ... I understand ... I understand ... I understand ... I understand ... Okay ... I understand. Goodbye. (hangs up)
Lorelai: What do you understand?
Michel: I have no idea. I tuned him out at the first screech.

Paris: Hey, where'd he come from? What's up there? Is that where you keep the girls? You got yourself a little cat house up there?
Jess: Wow, I think she got you Uncle Luke. You better give up now.
Luke: Do not add to this insanity.
Jess: An innocent boy like me should not be raised in an atmosphere like this.
Luke: Jess!
Jess: I wanna be good, life's just not letting me.

Emily: But there are five days in a school week.
Lorelai: Really? Are you sure? Because my days-of-the-week underwear only go to Thursday.

Lorelai: Mom, I already bought Rory two skirts.
Emily: What if she gets one dirty?
Lorelai: Then she'll wear the other one.
Emily: What if she gets them both dirty?
Lorelai: Well, then we'll use this newfangled thing called a washing machine. The town just chipped in and bought one. My turn's Tuesday.

Lorelai: Tell me something happy.
Sookie: I can't make the strawberry shortcake.
Lorelai: Wow, you suck at this game.

Red meat can kill you. Enjoy.


(referring to Michel) Can't stand the talk. Love to watch the walk.


(to Rory after Gloria drives away in her golf cart) The most odious woman alive.


Behold, in theaters now, The Thing That Reads a Lot.

</i> Lorelai

Oh hey, Kirk. You gettin a cold? You know, you should try that Dyna-Meda-Chema-Themytol. Knocks it right out. But don't drive a forklift though, cause it'll make you drowsy.

</i> Lorelai

Rory: I can't be late on my first day of school. Do you know what happens to people when they're late on their first day?
Lorelai: It's shorter?
Rory: For the rest of the year, they're labeled "The Late Girl."
Lorelai: How dramatic.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
