(looking at Cinnamon's pill bottles) Wow. It's like a scene from the kitty version of Valley of the Dolls.


Lorelai: Call me, and we'll reschedule. I-I promise that's what I want.
Max: Are you sure?
Lorelai: Cross my heart and hope that no other neighborhood pets die on that day.

Michel: You are mourning a cat?
Lorelai: Yes.
Michel: They lick their privates, these cats.
Lorelai: Not the comforting chit-chat we're looking for.

Lane: They said that they rolled her body into a lamp.
(Rory nods)
Lane: Did you laugh?
(Rory shakes her head)
Lane: Did you want to?
(Rory nods)

(referring to Cinnamon) She looked like she was sleeping. I thought she was asleep, so I nudged her and she didn't wake. I gave her a push and she fell off the couch, and since I'd just waxed the floor, she went shooting across the room. And then she knocked over the lamp and she still didn't move. I knew it was over. Oh, God, my baby.


Luke: Sookie!
Sookie: Hey, I was looking for your paprika.
Luke: Hey, what have I said about the counter?
Sookie: I know.
Luke: How the counter is a sacred space, my sacred space. You don't do yoga on the Dalai Lama's mat. And you don't come behind my counter. Period!
Sookie: I was trying to help!
Luke: (to Lorelai) You bring her again, I want her on a leash! I mean it.

Lorelai: Plus, it would be great to get, you know.
Sookie: What?
Lorelai: You know.
Sookie: No, I don't.
Lorelai: You know. (indicating the man sitting next to her) He knows.
Sookie: (to the man sitting next to Lorelai) You know?
Man: Yeah, I know.

Lorelai: Just take the card.
Max: I might frame the card.
Lorelai: Just use the card.
Max: I definitely will.

Max: But Rory is not a baby anymore.
Lorelai: Oh, don't say that. She's eight! She's eight, and her favorite hobby is making necklaces out of gum wrappers.
Max: Well, you could try stunting her growth, keeping her in a box, blowing cigarette smoke on her.

Rory: Okay, our town is just weird.
Lorelai: Thank God.

Rory: Wait. Shouldn't you be baking?
Lorelai: I don't know. Shouldn't you be knitting?

Michel: I don't know how many French people you've met over the years, but most of them are insufferable.
Lorelai: Really!
Michel: That is why I left France.
Lorelai: Huh. I thought it had something to do with the torches, and the villagers.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
