Abby: I always want to hear your life story. I made your life, with my body.
Lilly: Gross.

  • Permalink: Gross.
  • Added:

Mike: I'll see you at pickup?
Abby: Yeah. Will you be mean to be again in front of other people, because that is so hot.

Going most of the way but not all is ridiculously sexy.


Abby: This is fun. I like keeping secrets with you.
Mike: I like a lot of things with you.

Oh no. I'm not gonna pee where I play. No drama here. I'm not a drama mama.


Abby: Oh come on twenty one, even your balls look great!!
Coach: Two eight's mom. Sit down!
Abby [blushes]: Sorry. I meant that all of his pitches look like strikes.

Gordon: Delia...
Delia: Yeah?
Gordon: Cher wishes she ever looked as good as you.

Of course I wanna leave! Of all the hotels in California, I have to come to the one with gay men and Gordon?!


Coach: You drink soda. I'm shocked.
Abby: Yeah, well I'm sure there's a kale flavor.
Coach: Maybe a small-batch root beer.

Abby. Deal with your own truth. Stay the hell out of mine.


To me, a night out on the town includes me on lying the couch watching Ben Affleck *in* The Town.


Not bad for today's work. Who knew two tiny broads could give the baking whisperer a run for his money.
