Mommies trump coaches! That is the hierarchy!!


Delia: Enough with the games, Albert. I'm a partner here. I'm a senior divorce attorney for THIS firm.
Albert: And Vanessa is a top notch lawyer, brought in to replace you, actually, back when we thought you were moving to New York. She's caught up on firm business. That's what this is about.
Delia: Oh please, Albert. I think we know what this is really about.
Albert: Do you want to share more specifically what you mean here?
Delia [looks around the room]: No.

Abby: Here, smell this. Tell me what it is.
Lilly: Do I have to?
Abby: I pushed you out of my uterus; smell it.

Abby, anything good that's happening to me is happening because you supported both of us while I figured my shit out.


Scott: My goodness. Is this you making an effort, Josephine?
Jo: Well, I didn't come here to bang you and take off. That would be tacky. I came here to talk to you and then bang you and then take off.
Scott: I can accept that.

Abby: I am just not an "everything happens for a reason" kind of gal. It's just all that kind of talk is kind of insane. Ha ha. No offense.
Phoebe. No. None takes. [laughs]
Abby: By that logic, genocide happens for what? Or when a kid dies of cancer? What is the lesson there? That watching a kid suffering of cancer is awful?
Jo: Wow. Bad day, Abs?
Abby: Aaaghh. It's just what we want to believe when the truth is we are all just blobs of sentient plasma sharing time on a big, cold space rock. We are born, we age, we outlive our usefulness, and then we die. And there is no little patch of estrogen that is going to save us from the ultimate futility of our existence.
Barbara: Might want to bust out the wine, Phoebs.

Abby: Estrogen patches.
Doctor: Come on now, don't look so grim. People just weren't meant to live this long.

Scott: As soon as you open your legs to me, you close your heart.
Jo: That is very pretty. Did you just come up with that?

You know you have a unique way of making me feel like a dildo with a person attached.


Hey little baby. Want to watch Aunty Delia drink? [big smile] Just kidding.
