Your charms wore off a long time ago, William. Sometime around Bieber week.


Look, I'll admit it, Rachel, I have a little thing for you, and with a nudge or two it could probably grow into a big thing, but there's like a huge part of me that has a huge thing for Mercedes.


Well, I'm all for what you're doing here as long as it's a part of the Rachel Berry Rebuilding Project because sooner or later you're going to have to go back to where you belong. New York. Broadway.


You wanna know what the best thing is about having our gift? It's always there like a good friend. When you open your mouth, there it is.


[to Rachel] We're actors, right? Our skin is like our paintbrush and our canvas.


[to Brittany] My whole life, I've dreamt of my wedding with her sitting in the front row, bawling. And believe me if I could get in her head and bring her into this century, I would, and I would forgive her and have her here. She's my abuela, you know? She's, like, the lady with the big plates of rice and beans.


Santana: Last I heard she was on Facebook posting about her diverticulitis trolling for sympathy.
Brittany: See? It's even more important. She's sick.
Santana: No, Britt, she can't poop and I don't think that's going to kill her.
Brittany: Tell that to Fat Elvis.

When I get stressed, I work out. You can probably tell. I'm gonna down a few Powers Bars and knock out a few reps, come up with a solution.


Maybe it's our job as young, hot progressives to educate older, scary farts.


You taught me to be a strong Latina woman. To be bigger than the world was every going to give me permission to be, and I have. You taught me not just to exist because I'm worth so much more than that. And without Britt, I just exist. She's the love of my life and I'm going to marry her and I want to share that with you because without your love, I...I think I just exist too.


Well, McKinley, this is it. It took a long time to get here and my heart's racing like a slow pig at a sausage factory, but I can truly say that today I'm living the life I always wanted.

Coach Beiste

Will: No one goes after one of my friends and gets away with it.
Sue: Except for me. I always go after your friends and I've never not gotten away with it.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
