It's my go-to shower song. It's also my ring tone.

Rachel [on Defying Gravity]

Why do we need to go all vanilla on this song? What we need is my chocolate thunder.


I almost got a job at Olive Garden, but they said I was too tall to be a busboy.


Kurt: I wanna try out for the Wicked solo.
Will: Kurt, there's a high F for it.
Kurt: That's well within my range.

You're irritating. But don't take that personally.

Artie [to Rachel]

Quinn: I don't care if my baby comes out with a mohawk, I will go to my grave swearing it's Finn's.
Puck: It would be pretty awesome if it came out with a mohawk.

You sing like a girl. In a good way.

Kurt's dad

I'm full of ennui.


We all know I'm more popular than Rachel, and I dress better than her.


Maybe one of these days you'll find a way to create teachable moments without ruining my life.


[Ramps] are what I call lazy-makers. They discourage able-bodied students from getting proper exercise by using the stairs.


You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
