Puck: It was a message from God: Rachel was a hot Jew and the good lord wanted me to get into her pants.

Your arms are lovely. But I just don't see us working out.


I, for one, think intimacy has no place in a marriage. Walked in on my parents once and it was like seeing two walruses wrestling.


You sunk my battleship, Rod. And you sunk it hard.


What kid is gonna choose glee club over football? It would be ridiculous.


Your commitment to football is about as long as your pants.


Know what the worst part is? It's not the burning in your eyes or how the slushee drips into your underpants. It's the humiliation.


I can't be caged in, Sue. That's why I got my tiger tattoo.


I don't think any one decision makes your life. Unless you invent some sort of zombie virus or something.


Status is like currency. When your bank account is full, you can get away with doing just about anything. But right now, we're, like, toxic assets.


Someone get me to a day spa! Stat!


You think this is hard? I have hepatitis. That's hard!

Sue Sylvestor

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
