Miles: And I know it might sound crazy, but that's the thing about the God Account. It never does anything without a purpose, even if you can't see it at first.
Arthur: Sounds like you're talking about faith.
Miles: No. No, no, no. I'm talking about proof.

Arthur: I recognize the good your brother is doing and, of course, I want him out in the world helping people. I just wish. . .
Ali: What?
Arthur: It was done for reasons that are closer to home.
Ali: You mean God and not the God Account.

Cara: Are you sure you don't recognize the name Henry Chase?
Miles: No. Why?
Cara: Well, if he is behind the God account then there must be some connection. A reason why he chose you.

Graham: The truth doesn't change what happened.
Miles: But it could change what will happen.

Cara: I'm actually back together with my ex, Eli. Things with him are good.
Ray: Well, kid, I don't know much, but I do know this: "good" ain't great. "Great's" what you're shooting for. You know, when it comes to affairs of the heart, "great" is what knocks you on on your ass and lets you know that you can stop looking. Miles aside, if you're happy with this Eli gine, fine. But if you're just buying time waiting for "great" to come along, you should do you both a favor and keep looking.

What about you? God give you any leads?


Nia: What if you stop getting friend suggestions?
Mikes: Your point?
Nia: I know how much you like helping people. Getting the truth might end your journey. Maybe you can stand a little agnosticism when it comes to the God account?

Sometimes the stories we thought we over are anything but, and we realize that happy endings are rarely easy, or simple, or expected as we thought, but that doesn't mean they aren't worth it.


Alfie: The only thing I know about fatherhood is how not to do it.
Miles: Actually, that sounds like a good place to start.

I think he's lost, caught between the person that he thinks he is and the person he wants to be for you.


When you grow up thinking a parent didn't love you, it kind of becomes a part of who you are. I used the pain just like Alfie did to motivate myself, prove myself.


Miles: They send me a friend suggestion when I'm talking about them, they're probably listening to us right now.
Nia: Yeah, it's 2018. Our phones are listening to all of us.

God Friended Me Quotes

I am your host Miles Finer that there is no god and that is okay!


I thought I had it all figured out but then something happened and it changed my life forever. There is no proof of god anywhere in the universe.
